Seasonal Schools

Flyer Call for Applications Climate (Im-)mobility
Climate (Im-)Mobility: FFVT International Summer School on Forced Migration and Governance The international, interdisciplinary Summer School is hosted by the…

International Summer School on Business and Human Rights Practice Date: Monday, 16 September – Friday, 20 September 2024 Vanue: University…

  • International Summer School on Business and Human Rights Practice

    Date: 24 to 28 July 2023

    Topics the program included: Human Rights in Business; Human Rights Due Diligence; Fair Transition; Corporate Criminal Accountability

    Download program here

  • FFVT Summer School 2022 “Displacement, Governance and Human Rights”

    Date: 10 to 15 July 2022

    How has international refugee law evolved, which gaps remain and how can we address them? How are refugees protected in the different regions of Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East? Which challenges are refugees exposed to locally? These and many additional questions are at the core of the FFVT Summer School 2022 “Displacement, Governance and Human Rights”.

    The Summer School deals with the changing configurations of today’s global refugee regimes in different parts of the world and on different levels of governance, providing insights into a plethora of topics: the historical emergence of the global refugee regimes, including postcolonial perspectives, global, regional, national and local governance and administrative practices, social integration, education in refugee accommodations, analyses of refugee-related discourses and media portrayals of asylum, gender and displacement, practices of resistance and solidarity, multiple actors’ perspectives, including experiences made by people on the move themselves, as well as crosscutting issues and research ethics.

    Download Program Reader 

  • Third International Summer School Human Rights Law in Context: Special Focus: Business and Human Rights

    From 13 to 16 September 2021, the Center for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN) in cooperation with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) hosted the Third Summer School on Human Rights Law in context. The focus area was business and human rights including topics such as human rights due diligence, corporate liability, supply chain responsibility and practical experiences from litigation and companies.

    Speakers include inter alia Miriam Saage-Maaß, Markus Krajewski, Claire Bright, Richard Meeran, Christian Schliemann, Barbara Lamprecht and Markus Löning.

    Please find the programme here.

  • Second Summer School on Human Rights Law in Context

    From 7 to 10 September 2020, CHREN and ECCHR hosted the Second Summer School on human rights law in context with a focus on business and human rights. Topics included human rights due diligence, corporate liability, supply chain responsibility and the negotiations on a binding instrument to regulate human rights obligations of transnational corporations. Speakers include Robert McCorquodale (University of Nottingham), Daniel Crampton (Independent consultant), Faisal Siddiqi (Rasheed Razvi Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights), Linde Bryk (ECCHR), Markus Krajewski (FAU) and Miriam Saage-Maaß (ECCHR) as well as other practitioners with expertise in the field of business and human rights. The Summer School was organised as a digital event. For details please see the Programme.

    For details please see the Programme.

  • First international Summer School „Human Rights Law in Context“

    From 22 – 26 July the CHREN, in cooperation with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, hosted the First international Summer School “Human Rights Law in Context” in Nuremberg.

    It focussed on business and human rights. Michael Windfuhr, deputy director of the  German Institute for Human Rights held the keynote lecture on the implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Germany. The full program can be accessed via this link.