International Conference: Human Rights in Times of Contestation

Internationale Konferenz "Human Rights in Times of Contestation" im Historischen Rathaussaal in Nürnberg

Das CHREN veranstaltete in Kooperation mit dem Nürnberger Menschenrechtszentrum, der Stadt Nürnberg und der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg vom 27. – 28.06 2019 die Internationale Konferenz „Human Rights in Times of Contestation“ im Historischen Rathaussaal in Nürnberg. Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier.

The aim of this conference was to assess recent political, economic and social crises, which seem to increasingly challenge the normative value and practical relevance of human rights. These crises – the raise of (neo-)nationalist populist politics, increased authoritarian rules, challenges to international law and multilateralism to name but a few – have caused some to fundamentally question the current value of human rights. In their view, the liberal agenda of ever-expanding international human rights is no longer a viable solution to the problems of the contemporary world, in fact, it may be part of these problems. Others maintain that current crises call for more and better human rights implementation not less. Both perspectives seem to address human rights from a perspective of contestation: Human rights being contested and human rights as contestation of illiberal movements.

Die Aufzeichnung der Konferenz finden Sie online.